Round 1:
MPH sign with thin black and yellow borders, typical of US road signage.
Orange/yellow strip on bottom of telephone pole wire, commonly seen in USA.
Additional Info:
Note that the USA is a diverse country, making regional guessing challenging. Utilize landscape clues if there are no clear indicators.
Correct Answer: USA
Clue Images:
Round 2:
Standard Senegal pole, distinctive to the country.
Presence of roof racks and "rifts" in the sky, common in Senegal.
Road markings similar to France, white dashed in the middle and outside.
Additional Info:
Senegal is one of the few countries with such unique poles, making it a strong indicator of the location.
Correct Answer: Senegal
Round 3:
Domain ".it" and Italian language on sign, indicating Italy.
Italian license plate with thick blue on either side and white in the middle, a unique feature of Italian plates.
Coastal landscape with mountains to the east, likely near Rome.
Additional Info:
Italy's license plate design is distinct, with the thick blue bands being a key identifying feature.
Correct Answer: Italy
Round 4:
Twisted Indian flag suggests India.
"All India Institute of Medical Sciences" sign, confirming India.
Road markings with thick white line on the outside and dashed on the inside are typical of India
Additional Info:
India's driving orientation and road signage are unique, with left-hand driving and specific road markings.
Correct Answer: India
Round 5:
Octagonal Mexican pole, a distinct feature of Mexican streets.
Rectangular Mexican license plates, differentiating from other South American countries.
Buildings with black tanks on the roof, a common sight in Mexico.
Signs in Spanish, the official language of Mexico.
Additional Info:
Mexico's octagonal poles are a strong indicator of the location due to their rarity elsewhere.
Correct Answer: Mexico
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